We began as an outreach of Grace Church and Long Branch Baptist Church in the Greater Sullivan neighborhood in 2012 when Dan Weidenbenner launched Mill Village Farms, a farm and produce distributor that provides access to healthy produce, youth employment, and food system education for all.
In 2013, Village Wrench, birthed out of members at Village Church, rolled in to provide free bike repair and bike earning opportunities for community members in local mill village neighborhoods. Village Launch joined the collective in 2014 to continue their focus on equipping underestimated entrepreneurs with training, mentorship, and access to resources. Subsequently in 2016, Village Engage was added to the collective to bring social justice issues to the faith community.
We believe Greenville only flourishes as God intends when communities unite and everyone thrives.
“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”
Considering the reality of a fragmented humanity, our work pursues restored relationships between God, people, and creation.
Recognizing that all humans are created in the image of God, we treat every person with value and respect.
Appreciating that every human is uniquely gifted, we provide opportunities for individuals to realize their potential.
Understanding that lasting change comes from within the community, we focus our presence and attention locally.
Many of our core pillars are based on principles learned from various organizations, including the Christian Community Development Association, FCS Ministries, and The Chalmers Center.