Jeanette Brewster | Program Director
Village Launch

Jeanette moved to Greenville in 1997 with her parents just after she graduated High School in Philadelphia, PA. After spending a few years back in Philadelphia, she made her way back to Greenville 2011 to raise her daughter and begin her life with her husband, Corey. Together they have 7 children; 5 girls and 2 boys. Her entrepreneurial journey as a Photographer & Web Designer led her to enroll in the Village Launch Business Entrepreneur Academy. As an alumni of the program Jeanette continued to support the program through photography and attending events. In 2019 she became the Network & Marketing Coordinator for Village Launch bringing over 15 years of Project Management, Training & Operations experience with her. Jeanette has a passion for creating economic growth and equality through entrepreneurship. Her years spent as a single mom invigorated her to work harder and create opportunities not only for herself but for those who come behind her.